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Aussie barbie (conversation transcript)
Hi, guys, As you can see we have arrived at Belair National Park. Again, this is a 360 video, you can just scroll your screen around left and right. Up and down, you can get 360 views of Belair National Park…So we have got all the things set up… we have got good weather. Is it good weather?
Yep, it is a little bit cloudy. Still good for a barbeque…
It is not windy, so it is good for a barbeque. Hope we can cook up a…
What? Come closer..
We can cook up a storm
Cook up a stone?
Storm.. when you pronounce storm, close your mouth… storm… if you say stone, that means you want to cook up a stone… a rock.
This is the public barbeque provided by the National Park… and you can see here… these are the instruction of how to use start the barbeque. So…firstly, slowly push the panel, listen for the click to ignite the flame… look through the viewing holes for the flame and hold for 10 seconds….
I will press this to ignite the flame
Can you see the flame?
No, I can’t see the flame, press it again and hold for 10 seconds? This is enough, isn’t it?
Yep, That will do
Ok, now, we are cooking with gas
Now, we have a trouble here, this bird is going to pinch out food
Yeah, what kind of bird is that?
This is an Australian Magpie
So you call them Magies?
Magies for short… yeah…
Related vocabulary and phrases lessons
- Get things set up: 做好准备
- Cook up a storm: 做一顿大餐
- That will do: 口语,通常指做什么事情已经够了
e.g. She is pouring a glass of water for her friend, As the water level reach getting higher and higher, she asks her friend: “Is this enough water for you?’’ Her friend may reply: “ that will do…” it means that is enough…
- magpie: a kind of Australian bird which is very common in SA.
And it also appears on the flag of South Australia.
Aussie barbie-part 2
The homework for this part of learning is combined with the next part.