About me

Welcome to my ePortfolio.  I am the Online Adviser for UniSA at City West campus.  I work with the Academic staff in the use of technology-enhanced-learning  This includes Moodle course sites, virtual classrooms, ePortfolios and lecture recordings.  I commenced at UniSA in 2009 at the start of the learnonline project.Technology Enhanced Learning

Previously I worked in the vocational education sector as a trainer and content developer in the areas of Frontline Management and Financial Services.


SA Moodle Users Group - Members are welcome to use this site to share resources and experiment with Moodle 2. The site is provided as a community service by the helpful folks at Pukunui Technology.

CloudWorks - developed by the Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University, UK ClourWorks is a dynamic collection of ideas and experiences; via a variety of educational content (learning designs, case studies, resources and tools) plus active discussions about the use and effectiveness of this content in different contexts.

Faculty Focus - publishes articles on effective teaching strategies for the higher education sector— both face-to-face and online.

Ceet Ning - The Community of Expertise in Educational Technologies (CEET) is an online community of practice fostering expertise in the use of educational technologies. CEET aggregates information and resources on how existing and emerging educational technologies can support instructional practice and improve student engagement, satisfaction, and achievement.

The Open University - The OU has developed a unique way to deliver distance learning that we call "supported open learning".

My pages


Learning Design 
               Building my personal knowledge about learning design
(click on 'Learning Design')


My Showcase    Past work I'm proud of and new ideas I'm excited about
(click on 'My Showcase')



 My (developing) blog - http://designingmoodle.wordpress.com/


7Cs of Learning Design

Chickering and Gamson's 7 principles for good practice in undergraduate education
Arthur W. Chickering and Zelda F. Gamson (1987) "Seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education" American Association of Higher Education Bulletin vol.39 no.7 pp.3-7   Online version

  1. Encourages contacts between students and faculty.
  2. Develops reciprocity and cooperation among students.
  3. Uses active learning techniques. (a.k.a. "Encourages active learning")
  4. Gives prompt feedback.
  5. Emphasizes time on task.
  6. Communicates high expectations.
  7. Respects diverse talents and ways of learning.

They also list "six powerful forces in education":

  1. Activity [cf. 3]
  2. Expectations [cf. 6]
  3. Cooperation [cf. 2]
  4. Interaction [cf. 1,2,4]
  5. Diversity [cf. 7]
  6. Responsibility [cf. 6?, 5?]

Tracey Johnson's wall

Denise O
12 August 2014, 10:03

Hi Tracey, Hopefully I have shared my collection with you. It is called Clinical Practice 2 - E-portfolio Cheers D
View whole wall

Thought provoking ideas

Blogs I follow