
Ben Kehrwald's profile picture

I’m an e-learning professional, now with The University of South Australia (for the second time!) in the Teaching Innovation Unit.  I work am working exclusively on the UniSA Online Project, developing undergraduate programs for online delivery.  Recently, I was at Charles Sturt University in the Division of Student Learning.  I have also worked at  at Massey University (NZ) as Senior lecturer, Distance and Online Education where I coordinated postgraduate programmes in e-learning.


I’ve been involved with learning technologies since the early 1990′s, starting with the Chemical Education Research Group with Tom Greenbowe at Iowa State University in the USA.  My travels have taken me to Japan, including work with secondary schools and computer assisted language learning – to Australia working in the vocational and tertiary education sectors – and New Zealand working with e-learning and blended learning in tertiary education.

Professional Interests

My particular interests are in social learning theory, online teaching, learning design for online and blended learning, online social presence and lifelong learning. 

Recent projects include development of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes for Massey University and the integration of open educational resources into my postgraduate teaching and involvement supporting WikiEducator.  In 2010 I was a recipient of the Distance Education Association of New Zealand’s award for excellence in open, flexible, distance and online education.

In 2017 and beyond I will be working on:

  • research and development of technology-enhanced learning at the University of South Australia as part of their UniSA Online project.
  • work around the OERU and development projects related to the use of open educational resources
  • writing on social presence with Murat Oztok of Lancaster University
  • work on real-time coaching in teacher education with Garth Stahl of UniSA.

...but I'm always looking for interesting projects.  So if you see something here that interests you OR if you've got an idea that you want to talk about, contact me.


Personal Interests

When I’m not hunched over the keyboard teaching online, responding to emails or writing blog entries, I enjoy walking (not quite up to ‘tramping’), cooking, golf and scuba diving.  A couple of my goals for 2017-18 are to dive Raja Ampat in West Papua and return to the Solomon Islands.  Watch this space for the photos 

Recent Publications

in press

Journal Articles Rawlins, P & Kehrwald, B. A. (accepted, in press) Integrating educational technologies into teacher education: A case study. Innovations in Education and Teaching International


Dinmore, S., Kehrwald, B. & Bradford, G. (2011). Embedding an ePortfolio at a programmatic level. In G. Williams, P. Statham, N. Brown & B. Cleland (Eds.), Changing Demands, Changing Directions. Proceedings ascilite Hobart 2011. (pp.345-351).


Kehrwald, B., Rawlins, P. & Simpson, M. (2011). Learner experiences of online learning in a blended learning situation: Different cohorts, different needs. In G. Williams, P. Statham, N. Brown, B. Cleland (Eds.), Changing Demands, Changing Directions. Proceedings ascilite Hobart 2011. (pp.671-676


Bradford, G., Kehrwald, B. & Dinmore, S. (2011). A framework for evaluating online learning in an ecology of sustainable innovation. In G. Williams, P. Statham, N. Brown & B. Cleland (Eds.), Changing Demands, Changing Directions. Proceedings ascilite Hobart 2011. (pp.162-167).


Kehrwald, B. A. (2011). Understanding online learning and teaching: Teaching practice and the teacher-learner relation. In N. Zepke, D. Nugent and L. Leach (Eds). Reflection to transformation: A self-help book for teachers. (132-152) Wellington, NZ, Dunmore Publishers.


Kehrwald, B. A. (2010). Being online: Social presence and subjectivity in online learning. London Review of Education, 8(1), 39-50.


Kehrwald, B. A. (2010). Social presence and online communication: A response to Mersham. Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning, 14(1), 29-46.


Simpson, M., & Kehrwald, B. A. (2010, in press). Educational principles and policies framing teacher education through open and distance learning. In A. Umar & P. A. Danaher (Eds.), Perspectives on Teacher Education through Open and Distance Learning. Vancouver, Canada: Commonwealth of Learning.


Kehrwald, B. A. (2010). Towards more productive online discussions: Social presence and the development of interpersonal relations. In L. Shedletsky & J. E. Aitken (Eds.), Cases on online discussion and interaction: Experiences and outcomes (pp. 159-174): IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA


Kehrwald, B. A., & Danaher, P. A. (2010). Wikis as open educational resources in higher education: Overcoming challenges, realizing potential. In A. K. Haghi & R. Lupuccini (Eds.), Cases on Digital Technologies in Higher Education (pp. 64-80): IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA


Rawlins, P., & Kehrwald, B. A. (2010). Education technology in teacher education: overcoming challenges, realising opportunities. In A. K. Haghi & R. Lupuccini (Eds.), Cases on Digital Technologies in Higher Education (pp. 50-63): IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA


Kehrwald, B. A. (2010) Democratic rationalisation on the network: Social presence and human agency in networked learning. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Networked Learning 2010., 215-223


Kehrwald, B. A. (2008). Understanding social presence in text-based online learning environments. Distance Education 29(1) 89-106.

Ben Kehrwald's portfolios

Sample one-page portfolio

This is the introductory page for a sample teaching portfolio created by Ben Kehrwald.

Sample views for demonstration: Basic

(3 pages)
This collection can be used to demonstrate the basic functionality of Mahara to create views with...
5 portfolios

Contact Information

Mousework, my blog RSS

Ben Kehrwald's blog about his work in education, e-learning and online teaching

  1. Reboot

    Published on 1410251188
  2. Open Education Week: It’s on!

    Published on 1330985510
  3. New open source software for you

    Published on 1327287998
  4. Critical consumers of information

    Published on 1326951968
  5. The undying legacy of (bad) experience

    Published on 1326416859
  6. DEANZ 2012

    Published on 1326156117
  7. Theme issue on open educational practices

    Published on 1325633576
  8. ICLS 2012 (Sydney) Call for Papers

    Published on 1305167792
  9. If I were King…(the first five)

    Published on 1303083563
  10. the marathon as metaphor for learning

    Published on 1302562461
Last updated on 14 February 2025, 16:01

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