About Me

My name is Chloe Schild and I am 25 years old. I am a qualified early childhood teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) which was completed at the University of South Australia. I have recently undertaken my fourth year professional experience in a junior primary school setting. I have worked in ELC and child care settings for 5 years with children ranging from 2-6 years of age. I live in the Adelaide Hills and have a strong motivation to provide children with positive, fun and nurturing learning environments where they can grow in all areas of development.

Educational Philosophy Statement

I believe that all children have the right to access quality and equity education that provides them with a safe, nurturing and respectful environment to become well informed citizens in society.  I believe that respectful and reciprocal relationships with children should be formed in order for them to feel a sense of connection and belonging. In turn this encourages children to feel motivated and inspired to learn, grow and develop.

I believe that as a teacher I am required to know the content in the Australian Curriculum and Early Years Learning Framework. I feel it is essential to provide experiences for children using the five learning styles and implementing differentiation for a variety of developmental stages. I believe that I need to provide an informative, interesting, engaging and open ended curriculum for children based on their prior knowledge. My observations and assessments of children’s development is needed to provide challenging and interesting experiences and extend children’s knowledge and understanding. 

I feel that I am required to have a growth mindset and partake in ongoing critical reflection to allow me to identify and reflect on my teaching style and how this can be improved, changed and modified for future practices.   

During my Diploma I completed a cluster called ‘Developing Pedagogies’ which required me to observe, plan and implement a two week curriculum in a preschool setting (with children aged 4-5 years of age). My mentor allowed me to take group times and this is where my passion for teaching started. I felt like I was making a difference in the children’s lives and I loved being able to inspire, motivate, engage and provide them with interesting and exciting learning experiences. This experience inspired me to become a teacher. 

I believe that my strengths are providing humour and forming strong relationships with children and families, ensuring I am organised and being flexible when teaching.