Focus area 5.1: Assess student learning

Graduate Level: Demonstrate understanding of assessment strategies, including informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative approaches to assess student learning.

The first three evidence pieces come from professional experience four. They include a unit plan on data and statistics which outlined when assessments took place, jottings from prior knowledge assessment (informal approach) and a document which includes grades and comments for each student and outlines how I completed the summative assessment process. The third evidence piece includes Australian Curriculum achievement standards, ‘satisfactory work sample portfolio’ taken from the Australian Curriculum and a student work sample. The work samples were analysed against the satisfactory work sample portfolio. When I felt a child was exceeding the ‘satisfactory’ assessment criteria, I looked at the ‘above satisfactory’ work sample portfolio and analysed their work against that.

The fourth evidence was completed on my third year professional experience and it is an example of a formative assessment task completed during my place value unit. I collated the children's understanding in a checklist format and it showed me if the children were applying what they learned to a different context and I could plan, make adjustments, modifications and extensions for the rest of the unit.

The fifth evidence piece was completed on my fourth year professional experience and it is a running record for diagnostic assessment. This running record was able to tell me where the child was at with their reading and I was able to use this information for future planning and teaching.

These evidence pieces demonstrate me using assessment strategies of analysing, comparing, grading, providing comments, diagnosing, using informal jottings, using the Australian Curriculum and creating formative and summative assessment tasks to assess children’s learning and it show that I meet the graduate level for this area. 

5.1 Unit plan

5.1 Prior knowledge assessment

5.1 Assessment grades, comments and outline

5.1 Formative assessment

5.1 Running record

Focus area 5.2: Provide feedback to students on their learning

Graduate Level: Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of providing timely and appropriate feedback to students about their learning. 

My understanding of this focus area is that teachers need to provide feedback to children which will impact and enrich their learning. This includes verbal and written feedback which is given at an appropriate time and is specific to what children have done. 

During my third and fourth year professional experiences I gave children appropriate verbal and written feedback to assist them with their learning. This evidence piece shows written feedback given to children after they had completed their mathematics and literacy work. The evidence states the positive things children completed in their work and provides constructive feedback on what they could improve. To ensure the written feedback was taken on board, I made sure to remind the children at the start of a new lesson to spend two minutes reading the comments I had written on their work so they could apply it to their learning experiences for that day.

This evidence demonstrates my teaching at a graduate level because I have been able to provide children with written feedback they can apply to their future learning and work. It demonstrates feedback for both literacy and numeracy subjects in response to children's work, learning intentions and goals.

5.2 Written feedback

Focus area 5.3: Make consistent and comparable judgements

Graduate Level: Demonstrate understanding of assessment moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning.

My understanding of this focus area is that teachers need to have an understanding of assessment moderation and the application of it into supporting consistent judgements of student's learning.

This evidence piece is a mathematics assessment on data and chance that took place during my fourth year professional experience. The evidence piece includes a grade and comment for each student based on their work samples, Australian Curriculum achievement standards and justifications as to why I graded the children at ‘satisfactory’ and ‘above satisfactory’. The work samples were analysed against the satisfactory and above satisfactory work sample portfolio with annotations from the Australian Curriculum. The comments were included so I could remember what aspects of the unit the children found manageable and challenging. They were also included so that my mentor teacher can use them in the children’s reports at the end of the semester. After I had completed my assessment my supervising teacher moderated it and checked five of the children's work to make sure I was being consistent in my judgements.

This evidence piece shows that I meet the graduate level for this focus area because it demonstrates me using assessment strategies such as analysing, grading, providing comments, making comparable judgements and creating formative and summative assessment tasks to assess children’s learning. It shows that I am able to make consistent and comparable judgements based on children’s learning and work samples.

5.3 Assessment comparable judgements

Focus area 5.4: Interpret student data

Graduate Level: Demonstrate the capacity to interpret student assessment data to evaluate student learning and modify teaching practices. 

My understanding of this focus area is that teachers need to be able to analyse and effectively interpret children's assessment work samples to evaluate and draw conclusions about their learning. This then includes making changes and modifying teaching practices to ensure that the children's learning needs are taken into consideration.

This evidence pieces comes from my third year professional experience and it includes examples of pre-tests and post tests to see the learning that had taken place. The evidence shows the comparison and interpretation (written blurb) between the pre-test and post test for both the children. By interpreting the assessment pieces I was able to see what they had learned, what areas still needed to be worked on and I changed my teaching practices to meet the children's needs.

The evidence shows my understanding for this focus area because it clearly displays my ability to look at assessment pieces of work, interpret what the children have learned, evaluate what this means and change my practice. I could therefore grade the children against a rubric effectively and use the results as data for planning future learning experiences. 

5.4 Work samples

Focus area 5.5: Report on student achievement

Graduate Level: Demonstrate understanding of a range of strategies for reporting to students and parents/carers and the purpose of keeping accurate and reliable records of student achievement. 

My understanding of this focus area is that it is important for teachers to report to students and parents using accurate and reliable record of children's achievements. The first piece of evidence is an end of year report which was completed at my workplace (ELC - working with 4 year old school children) when I was required to take on the teaching role for two weeks. During this time I was required to complete end of year, school readiness summative reports for a number of children. These reports were sent to parents and required to provide information about children's physical, language, intellectual, cognitive, social and emotional development. 

This evidence states that I can successfully demonstrate my ability to provide parents with a report about their children's learning and development. Information on the child and their achievements was collated throughout the year so I could assess the progress they had made and so a cohesive, factual report could be written.

The second evidence piece comes from my professional experience four and it includes a grade and comments about children's learning that took place throughout the unit plan. This was collated through children's work samples which was used as accurate and reliable records. The comments and grade will be collated with other units within Mathematics for the semester and my supervising teacher will add them to children's report cards that will be sent to parents.

This demonstrates that I have an understanding about how to report on student's learning through and end of year report and collating comments to add to school reports. It shows that I have used reliable records to collect this information and data.  

5.5 End of year report

5.5 Assessment comments and work sample