Profile Information

Rebecca Cole

My name is Rebecca Cole and I am currently completing my third year of study in Bachelor of Education for Primary and Middle school at University of South Australia. 

My minor subjects are English and Home Economics. However, I am interested in and passionate about many subject areas, including Humanities and Social Sciences, The Arts, Technologies and Health and Physical Education.

Final Report Summative Comment:

Through partaking in this placement opportunity I believe I have further developed as both an educator and lifelong learner, in accordance with Mawson Lakes School’s vision. Moreover, I believe I have extended myself in each of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, being Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice and Professional Engagement. In regards to Professional knowledge I believe I have developed an understanding of my students and how they learn, recognising the diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds present in the classroom, and differentiating instruction to meet the specific learning needs of students accordingly. Furthermore I believe I have developed an understanding of the content and how to teach it, particularly in teaching Probability in Mathematics in accordance with Ann Baker’s Natural Math methodology. Concerning Professional Practice I believe I have planned for and implemented effective teaching and learning through establishing challenging yet attainable learning goals; structuring and sequencing lessons in a manner that maximises student engagement and learning; and continually evaluating instruction to inform planning through evidence such as student feedback (e.g. warm and cool comments). I also believe I effectively maintained a supportive and safe learning environment. However, I believe I could improve on my ability to manage challenging behaviour through clearly communicating expectations and readily addressing behavioural issues. Finally, regarding Professional Engagement, I believe I have developed my knowledge and practice through professional learning opportunities such as staff meetings and professional development sessions; and through seeking constructive feedback from colleagues. Overall I believe I have advanced tremendously over the course of this practicum. I am excited to continue my learning journey in years to come.