Mathematics Probability

Within their daily Mathematics lessons students completed a mental routine, problematised situation and reflection (see Natural Maths planning sheet attached).

Mathematics lessons took place after Literacy Word Work in the morning, often lasting from 10:00 to 11:00. Completing Mathematics during this time period encourages students to persevere and remain focused until the recess break.

Chosen activities often reflected students’ interests or real-life problems students my face in regards to Probability.

Natural Maths Planning Sheet

Natural Maths Planning Sheet Continued

Provided by my mentor teacher, this Natural Maths planning sheet aided my Mathematics unit planning in accordance with Natural Math methodology, in which each lesson consisted of a mental routine, problematised situation, and reflection. 

Probability Top 5

Probability Top 5 Continued

These 'Top 5' statements were derived from the Australian Curriculum Year 6 Mathematics achievement standards.

Students listed activities completed in the top row, which included Greedy Pig, Probability vocabulary, possible outcomes of a die, Probability magic, and game-show Probability. 

Students then ticked the applicable 'I can...' statements below as a form of self-assessment. 

Underneath the headings 'warm' and 'cool' students provided teacher feedback, in which 'warm' statements were kind and 'cool' statements were constructive.

Both students' chosen 'I can...' statements and teacher feedback directed proceeding Probability lessons. 

Probability PowerPoint Presentation Continued

Mathematics tasks were presented to students via the created Probability PowerPoint Presentation. 

Presenting activities in such a multi-modal fashion fostered student engagement.