Literacy Word Work

For their daily Literacy lessons, students were to pick 10 words from the provided list and complete the assigned Word Work activities (see Word Work activities attached).

Literacy lessons took place first thing in the morning, often lasting from 8:45 to 10:00. Completing Word Work during this time period allowed for students demonstrate self-regulating behaviours, including entering the classroom prepared to work, settling themselves in for the morning, and completing the assigned Word Work activities at their own pace. 

Chosen vocabulary often reflected either events happening within the school community (i.e. Remembrance Day Ceremony) or work being completed within the classroom (i.e. the text type of Film Review).

Word Work PowerPoint Presentation Slide - Week 4:

Word Work Week 4 - Remembrance Day:

As our class was responsible for holding the Remembrance Day Ceremony, it seemed opportune for our weekly Word Work vocabulary to be Remembrance Day themed. 

Activities chosen included sentences, syllables, synonyms, hidden word, rating, questions, pyramid words, acrostic poem, list, words inside words, word postcard, and LCWC (look, cover, write, check). 

The hidden word activity, in which students write closed sentences with a vocabulary word missing, was extended through students completing a partner's hidden word sentences. 

The word postcard activity was also extended where, rather than creating a digital postcard from an online image that represented their chosen word, students created a postcard by hand, writing from the perspective of a soldier from World War I and drawing a picture that mirrored their text.

Word Work PowerPoint Presentation Slide - Week 5:

Word Work Week 5 - Sports Day:

Similarly, as Sports Day was being held at the end of Week 5, it seemed opportune for our weekly Word Work vocabulary to be sports themed. The chosen sports vocabulary aimed to foster students' good sportsmanship for Sports Day. 

Activities chosen included sentences; nouns, verbs and adjectives; synonyms; antonyms; short story; what am I puzzles; questions; and charades. 

The 'What am I?' puzzle activity, in which students provide three statements that hint at a chosen word, was extended through having students share a 'What am I?' puzzle with the class, in which students guessed the word chosen. 

Similarly, the questions and charades activities were extended through students guessing the chosen word in a whole-class setting. 

Word Work Week 6 - Probability:

As students were beginning the topic of Probability in Mathematics, Probability vocabulary was chosen for the weekly Word Work. 

Rather than presenting the Word Work words and activities on a PowerPoint Presentation, students were asked to choose 10 words from the 'Word Wall' which displayed Probability vocabulary which had been encountered and recorded throughout the Mathematics unit thus far. 

Activities chosen included sentences, synonyms, rating, list, and what am I puzzles.

Once the assigned activities were completed students were encouraged to choose an activity to complete independently. 

Word Work PowerPoint Presentation Slide - Week 7:

Word Work Week 7 - Film Review:

As students were beginning the text type of Film Review in English, Film Review vocabulary was chosen for the weekly Word Work. Such vocabulary assisted students' understanding of the text type prior to commencing the unit of work. 

Activities chosen included sentences; rating; words inside words; word relation; what am I puzzles; catch; and LCWC (look, cover, write, check). 

The 'What am I?' puzzle activity, in which students provide three statements that hint at a chosen word, was extended through having students share a 'What am I?' puzzle with the class, in which students guessed the word chosen. 

The catch activity, in which students spell a chosen word letter by letter whilst passing a ball to a partner, was extended through students participating in a whole-class version of the game. 

Word Work PowerPoint Presentation Slide - Week 8:

Word Work Week 8 - Film Review Continued:

As students were continuing to work on their Film Reviews in English, Film Review vocabulary was continued for the weekly Word Work. Such vocabulary assisted students in their Film Review writing.

Activities chosen included sentences; synonyms; rating; pyramid words; word relation; what am I puzzles; catch; and LCWC (look, cover, write, check). 

Similarly, the 'What am I?' puzzle activity, in which students provide three statements that hint at a chosen word, was extended through having students share a 'What am I?' puzzle with the class, in which students guessed the word chosen. 

Moreover the catch activity, in which students spell a chosen word letter by letter whilst passing a ball to a partner, was extended through students participating in a whole-class version of the game.