Standard 4.1

Graduate level: Identify strategies to support inclusive student participation and engagement in classroom activities.

Supporting student participation during classroom activities creates an environment in which all participants have the opportunity to learn. When ensuring full student participation it is essential you make the learning relevant and interesting for the students.

During Professional Experience 3 I had to teach a science unit. When brainstorming lesson ideas I decided that I wanted to fully engage the students in their learning and make it exciting and interesting. I created a lesson that looked at the movement of different body parts through dance. I supported student participation by keeping the learning relevant and relating it back to something I knew the students loved doing (dancing).


- Science dance lesson plan

Science dance lesson plan

Standard 4.2

Graduate level: Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom activities and provide clear directions.

Classroom activities are designed to be interactive and engaging for the students. Students require clear and detailed instructions otherwise the learning (may not be) as engaging. The organisation of activities need to be age appropriate and done prior to the lesson commencing.

During Professional Experience 3 prior to commencing my lessons I would create a PowerPoint which I displayed at the front of the class showing what was required of the students and detailed the structure of the lesson. These PowerPoint's where used to provide students with clear directions and expectations. To conclude the lesson and ensure classroom activities ran on time I would use a timer from Class DoJo. This gave students a time warning that the lesson was concluding and gave them efficient time to finish what they were doing.


Document - PowerPoint presentation

Image - Class DoJo timer


Standard 4.3

Graduate level: Demonstrate knowledge of practical approaches to manage challenging behaviour.

As teachers we need to ensure we maintain the safety of not only the other students but also ourselves. Using practical approaches to manage challenging behavior can minimize the risk of incident.

Managing Learning Environments was a Uni SA course I undertook in my first year. As apart of our studies we had to write an essay on how to maintain productive student behavior to prevent unproductive student behavior. In the essay I detailed multiple practical approaches that could be used to manage challenging behavior creating a safe and productive learning environment.


- Managing Learning Environments essay

Literature review

Standard 4.4

Graduate level: Describe strategies that support students’ well-being and safety working within school and/or system, curriculum and legislative requirements.

Schools should be one of the safest places in the community for students and young people. Strategies should be in place maintaining student safety in all areas of the curriculum including extra-curricular activities.

In my second year of my degree I undertook a 'Leadership and Advocacy' course. The requirements of this course were that I needed to organise an excursion for a group of kindy children. I decided to take the children on a creek walk to explore the natural environment, but to do so I needed to complete a 'Excursion risk management form'. The risk management form allowed me to assess the site and ensure student safety.


- Leadership and Advocacy PP (Slide 10 risk management form)

Standard 4.5