Educational Philosophy

My philosophy on education is believing that all children are unique, each child comes to us with a set of values, experiences and needs. Our education system and my role as a teacher must be to generate an educational setting where each and every child experiences a stimulating educational environment to improve their physical, emotional, mental and social development.

I believe as a teacher I have a crucial place as a role model to each student in my class and within our school community. Building positive relationships with each child and their parents lies at the core of my philosophy and my role as a teacher. I will work hard to build relationships with my students that are built on mutual trust, that are respectful, and at all times professional.  I understand that the needs of each student will vary and I will do my best to differentiate their learning and development. I believe that positive relationships are linked closely to engagement and learning and that’s why I believe forming positive relationships with my students is so important. I want my classroom to feel more like a community and less like a structured class, where we share and value individuals ideas, where communicating and learning from each other is valued.

I will endeavour to provide children with child-centred programmes, to base learning on students interests, their strengths and background knowledge. I will take into consideration the understanding of physical, social and intellectual development and how this may affect learning. All students are individuals and everyone learns in their own unique way. I will use multiple strategies of teaching methodology (linguistic, visual, auditory, kinaesthetic) to reach students, so that no-one is left behind.

I will ensure that I provide an environment that is student safe and welcoming that makes sure all children feel a sense of belonging in my class. I will use a range of strategies to encourage inclusive student participation and engagement in our classroom activities. My classroom will be arranged in a manner that is appropriate, friendly and inclusive of all students within our school community. I will ensure the safety of students through appropriate teaching strategies and within the relationships I build.

I am a firm believer that a child’s first teacher are their parents and caregivers, and that is why I will work hard to create opportunities for parents and caregivers, friends and family to be involved in their child’s learning and education in our classroom.  Building positive relationships with parents is vital as children are able to sense the relationship their teacher has with their family and feel comfortable in that environment. Building relationships with families also creates a sense of community that we are working together to build a better future for our children.

I believe that having on-going professional conversations with parents allows us to build strong bonds not only with families but also with their children. It is vital as a teacher that I ensure I am having regular contact, conversations and interactions with parents and caregivers to share relevant information regarding the wellbeing and development of their child.

I have strong beliefs that providing children with an emergent curriculum is beneficial as it caters for each child’s individual needs. An emergent curriculum requires the disposition of genuine curiosity about children and their learning and will create opportunities for me to be flexible with my planning. I am passionate about providing my class with an emergent curriculum because I believe it makes us as teachers focus in on each individual child and cater for their specific needs. 

In conclusion, I am passionate about building a positive future for the children I teach, to deliver each child experiences that will enrich their mind. To provide children the ability to understand that nothing is impossible to reach for your goals. I want to work with the children, I want to learn from them as they will learn from me.