Standard 5.1

Graduate level: Demonstrate understanding of assessment strategies, including informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative approaches to assess student learning.

Assessment either informal, formal, diagnostic, formative or summative should provide students with feedback that allows them the opportunity to build on their knowledge and understanding of the topic.

During Professional Experience 3 I had a science summative assessment and at the bottom provided an assessment gauge for students and their parents/caregivers. The assessment piece was linked with the Australian Curriculum but also included Emoji's which was relevant for the students to understand.

During a formative assessment on the students writing provided verbal and non-verbal feedback. I wrote a comment on the page and discussed with the student what they needed to remember to do next time.


- Science summative piece.

- Formative assessment comment

Standard 5.2

Graduate level: Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of providing timely and appropriate feedback to students about their learning.

Feedback is an essential part to students working effectively. By providing students with feedback it assists with performance and gives them clear guidance on how to improve on their learning. Providing feedback allows students to grow and develop in areas that may require support. It is essential teachers use a variety of forms of feedback and provide it at appropriate times.

During Professional Experience 3 the students did a math lesson on addition. Once the students completed this worksheet I asked them to come to the front so I could provide feedback whilst not disturbing the rest of the class. I used emoji's to make it relevant to the students and provided a comment which I verbally communicated with that student as well.


- Math worksheet feedback

Standard 5.3

Graduate level: Demonstrate understanding of assessment moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning.

Assessment moderation is a process that allows teachers to improve decisions they make about student learning. Moderation supports teachers to compare their judgements and provides them with an opportunity to share their expectations and understandings of the standards and curriculum.

During my Professional Experience 3 placement I was able to attend a Junior Primary moderation assessment meeting. During this meeting the teachers brought samples of work and assessed them against the Australian Curriculum. My mentor teacher allowed me to chose two pieces of student work, the first student who was above and the second student who was below standard. As a group we spoke about how we would moderate those students and planned for future learning.


-Moderation cover sheet

-Student work

Summative assessment

Formative assessment

Moderation sheet

Child 1 - At/Above

Child 2 - Below

Standard 5.4

Graduate level: Demonstrate the capacity to interpret student assessment data to evaluate student learning and modify teaching practice.

Having the ability to effectively interpret student data, whether is it used for moderation, test results or observation can aid teachers by informing their future teaching. It provides schools, leadership and families with evidence of the progressive learning journey of each student.

On Professional Experience 3 I was in a reception class, at the beginning of each week the class focused on 3 new 'tricky' words. At the end of the week each student would be asked to say those 3 tricky words and data would be collected and collated. I was able to then create an excel spreadsheet and represent this data visually. From this spreadsheet I was able to identify what words the students where still struggling with. From interpreting this data I then stuck these words on the entry/exit door and each time the students would come or leave the room they would have to 'tap' a word and say it out loud. Collecting this data allowed me to evaluate student learning and plan appropriately.


Photo 1 - Tricky word data spreadsheet

Photo 2 - Tricky words displayed on the entry/exit door

Tricky word data sheet

Tricky word display

Standard 5.5

Graduate level: Demonstrate understanding of a range of strategies for reporting to students and parents/carers and the purpose of keeping accurate and reliable records of student achievement.

Educators need to effectively report to students along with parent/caregivers on student progress throughout the year. It's essential that there are a range of strategies used to collect and record learning and achievement which can be then collated and used to inform students, parents and caregivers.

During my first placement the students had a focus on life cycles. As I was only there for a short period of time my mentor allowed me to create a summative assessment rubric to mark a group of students on. This assessment rubric allowed me to accurately report to students, parents and caregivers whilst keeping a relaible record of student achievement.


- Assessment rubric

Assessment rubric